How Do Pest Control Experts Get Rid of Mice

Mice are a common household pest that can wreak havoc on your home and health. Not only can they do structural damage to your home by chewing through wires and insulation, but they can also spread diseases like salmonella and hantavirus.

If you suspect that you have a mouse infestation in your home, it’s crucial to act quickly and call a pest control expert.

In this blog post, we’ll explore how pest control experts get rid of mice and what methods they use to ensure that your home stays mouse-free.



Before taking any action, a pest control expert will need to conduct a thorough inspection of your home to assess the extent of the infestation.

The expert will look for any signs of mouse activity, such as droppings, burrows, and chewed wires. They will also identify the entry points that mice are using to access your home.

Once the inspection is complete, the expert will create a customized plan to get rid of the mice.


One of the essential steps in getting rid of mice is exclusion. This means sealing off all the entry points and sealing any cracks and crevices that could provide access to mice.

A pest control expert will use materials like steel wool, wire mesh, and caulking to seal up any gaps. Exclusion is essential because if you don’t address the entry points, the mice can come back even after you get rid of them.


Trapping is one of the most effective methods of getting rid of mice. Pest control experts typically use snap traps, live traps, and glue boards to catch the mice.

Snap traps work by quickly killing the mouse when it takes the bait, whereas live traps capture the mouse alive, allowing the pest control expert to release it back into the wild. Glue boards, on the other hand, trap the mouse, and it dies a slow death. 

Pest control experts usually avoid using glue boards as it’s not a humane method.


Pest control experts may use bait stations with rodenticides to get rid of mice. The bait stations are placed in areas where mice are active, and the rodenticide kills the mice when they consume the bait. However, as with any toxic product, caution must be taken as it can be harmful to humans and pets if not used correctly.


Even after you get rid of the mice, it’s essential to maintain a clean and hygienic home to prevent any future infestations.

Pest control experts will advise you on how to clean up any mouse droppings and urine and how to store your food and garbage properly.

Final Thoughts

Dealing with a mouse infestation can be overwhelming, but with the help of a pest control expert, it doesn’t have to be. Pest control experts use a combination of exclusion, traps, baits, and sanitation to get rid of mice and keep them from coming back.

At Humane Wildlife Controls, our mice control experts use humane methods to get rid of mice and other pests, ensuring that your home and family are safe. Contact us today to learn more and schedule your appointment.

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HUMANE WILDLIFE CONTROL Specialists LLC is a 24hour wildlife control service that caters to the Greater Houston & Surrounding Areas.

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